Looking back: 45 years ago, kids were getting school ready
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Forty-five years ago in 1971, students were still not in school, but they were getting ready. All the stores had school supplies for sale and the first day of the new school year was right around the corner.
Will Adams, celebrated his 121th birthday. It was a little quieter this year because he was having a few health problems. He was supposed to have been the oldest living person receiving help from the Department of Pensions.
Can you imagine being that old? I can’t. That meant that he was born in 1850 and had lived through a lot of history.
There were 232 volunteers who showed up to give blood. I have noticed that people gave more blood back years ago. I don’t know why.
Speaking of giving blood-Ben Haley was given an award because he had donated five gallons of blood. The article in The Atmore Advance did not say how long he had been giving blood.
Several prices during this time included fryers for 31 cents a pound, sugar for 88 cents a bag and a 10 pound bag of potatoes were 49 cents. All of this was at Kwik Chek. A&P had fryers for 28 cents a pound, bacon for 39 cents a pound and frog legs for $4.99 for four pounds. I don’t think I have ever seen this advertised. I wonder how many people rushed to the store to pick up their frog legs for supper.
A campaign was under way in Escambia County to vaccinate all equine animals against Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis (VEE). There was no problem here yet but they were having some cases reported in Texas.
An inmate was stabbed to death at Holman Prison.
Two teens were arrested for damage they did to six airplanes at the Atmore Municipal Airport. The estimated damage was $7,500.
The Atmore Police Department was on the look-out for someone wanted for indecent exposure. It seems that a man was knocking on doors and when a lady answered the knock, the man would expose himself. He almost got shot at one house, as the husband was at home and got his gun.
AAA Mobile Home Sales was celebrating its first anniversary. They were advertising the biggest mobile home they had. It was 14 x 70 feet. For its first anniversary, they were offering a chance to win prizes, which consisted of a mink stole, a refrigerator, and a washer and dryer.
This made me remember a movie that I saw way back in the dark ages. Some of you may remember “The Long, Long Trailer.” It starred Lucile Ball and Dezi Arnez and if you can recall the high jinks they were capable of, you can imagine how funny it was. They were on a trip on their trailer for the very first time and had many adventures along the way.