Little things can brighten my day
Published 12:02 am Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Starting off your day on the wrong foot isn’t pleasant.
This happened to me last week, and fortunate enough, the day got better at a rapid pace.
Last Thursday, during its weekly Wee Ones Story Time, the Atmore Public Library invited firefighters to give a presentation about their profession.
I knew some about the firefighters, but I also learned a few new things as well.
But the moment my day turned around was during a short video the fire department showed to the kids.
In this video, the fire department of Rainbow Valley proceeded to respond to a tree that was ablaze.
Within the video, an actor who I knew came on the screen. It took me a couple of looks to realize who it was.
Rob Riggle of “The Hangover” and other films, was explaining the different parts of a fire suit. Riggle played the obnoxious, yet hilarious, Las Vegas Sheriff’s Deputy.
When I realized it was in fact Riggle, my day was made, and afterward, it go a whole lot better.
Work seemed to go by at a quick pace, and I was productive for the next day, I designed the Williams Station Day tab, which is in today’s paper.
It’s amazing to me how such a small thing can brighten one’s day. I’m thankful that I went to the presentation, where I learned a couple things and had a pleasant surprise.
My day ended on a pretty good note as I covered a volleyball tournament at Northview the best I could.
I’ll never forget Riggle in that fire suit, and whenever I’ll think of him, it will brighten my day.