Thankful for quiet time in car, anytime
Published 12:02 am Wednesday, November 23, 2016
As you have read before in this space, I love to drive.
Last weekend, after I spent the night with one of my best friends in Troy, I made the trek back to Atmore.
During the more-than two-hour journey, I decided to have a little quiet time. The norm for me on journeys is to listen to sports, comic book or wrestling podcasts.
This wasn’t the case Saturday afternoon.
I decided to just let my thoughts roll through my brain one after another throughout the drive.
The things I thought about included what additional work I needed to do to get ready for this week’s paper and the next; my drive ahead of me on Wednesday; last Thursday’s Leadership Atmore history and culture session; the upcoming Alabama game against Auburn this Saturday; and of course, everything around me as I cruised down I-65.
Quiet time for me, as a slight introvert, is crucial.
Sometimes we get bogged down at work and in life that we don’t find some quiet time for ourselves.
We need it, trust me.
It’s really good to get away from it all and think about things that need to be addressed or improved upon.
I use these times to get geared up for what’s ahead in my work and personal life.
As it’s Thanksgiving week, I also took the time to think about family and how I’m so thankful for them.
I encourage you all to take the time to think about what’s going on in your life right now, and how to make it better for others and yourself.
Make quiet time a trend.