Hospital staff took good care of me
Published 12:03 am Wednesday, February 8, 2017
In my column last week, I mentioned our Atmore Community Hospital. Today, I would like to add some more favorable comments about ACH.
First, we should be grateful that we have such a fine hospital here. And, as you know we now belong to the Mobile Infirmary. This is a tremendous upgrade. We are offered many features that you find in the Mobile hospital. For instance, more tests and diagnosis can be done here as opposed to limited tests prior to our joining Mobile Infirmary. A cadre of doctors and specialists made daily treks here eliminating the need to go to Mobile or Pensacola.
But one of the most important aspects of our hospital is our staff. In my confinement last week, I received tremendous care by my nurses and hospital members. My five-day stay here and the care I received exceeded the five-day stay in the Mobile hospital.
I was so impressed that I am identifying some of them.
There was Britt, Bobby, Angelique, Jamie, Marie, Rebecca, Ashley, Laura, Paul, Bethany, Quay, Cassie, Leslie and Jenessca. You know when you list names like this you sometimes inadvertently fail to name them all. I certainly hope I have not overlooked any anyone. I surely don’t want to forget my dear daughter in law Suzanne in her capacity for her contributions insuring my having a wonderful stay. She also told me about their affiliation with the J.P. Morgan firm, which identifies with leading hospitals across the USA. This company does follow up with patients after they are dismissed from the hospital. Their service to hospitals is highly diverse. And, those hospitals affiliated with this firm are identified in a most professional prestigious light.
So, we say again thanks for being here ACH and may we all come to appreciate all you do for our community.
By the way, do not get yourself involved with online purchases like I did. Always keep your receipts. Stubbornly I refused to pay and I was eventually sued. Of course, we settled it, but these credit card companies have granite hearts when they come after you. After learning of the suit no less than four small law firms from out of county contacted me wanting to defend me. It is good to know law firms are out there to help when you need it.
I kept looking for Nick Saban on TV during the Super Bowl broadcast, but I never saw him. I heard one radio announcer say he was situated in the New England section offering encouragement to his close friend and former boss, Bill Belichick.
Did you detect liberalism in some of the Super Bowl TV ads? Conspicuously, gays and Muslims were depicted in a few instances. All of which was to draw displeasure of Donald Trump’s winning the election.
More Fox News personalities are coming out of the closet, unveiling their liberal Democratic affiliation. I stay tuned to Fox practically all the time, but when these libs are featured I quickly tune to another station. Some of those anti-Trump personalities are Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, Alan Colmes, Hiraldo Rivera, Julie Rogenski, Leslie Marshall, Jessica Tarlov, Shepard Smith and a few more young female upshoots who are trying to make a name for themselves in the political world. Even Eric Shawn and Chris Wallace have done a one eighty toward Trump.
You know they say Trump never forgets those who belittle him. At the onset of the election two years ago, you remember several personalities seemed to take pleasure belittling him on national TV. Wow, if I were one of these personalities or a businessman I would not want to identify in this regard. I am not saying Trump is vindictive, but I have learned he is one who never forgets.
Now let us take a look at some news from the 1960s.
Bratt Baptist Church broke ground for a new and spacious education building. The Rev. Jerry Smith, pastor, spoke on the church’s beginning in 1908.
Marian Elliot, a native of Gadsden, transferred to Atmore as warden of Holman Prison.
Four Atmore drug stores and owners were recognized for successful operations and contributing to the betterment of our community. Included were Escambia Drugs, Ken Barnett, James Nall, Greenlawn Pharmacy, Ed Ray and Bill McCrory, Reid Drugs and Tom Kelly, and Davidson Drugs and Bob Davidson.
Escambia County High School football players gaining honors on the gridiron were Allen Moore, David Dennis, Earl Miller, Randy Bailey, Isaac Holt, Gordon White, Stanley Singleton and head coach Harry Hitchcock.
During this era, two attorneys were working feverously laying the groundwork for our local Creek tribe to become formally recognized. Yes, Hugh Rozelle and Lenoir Thomson were among the leaders who contributed most. I will never forget my driving these two men to the Pensacola Airport to board a plane for Washington, D.C. It was their efforts that resulted in the tribe’s recognition.
I will have more news and events from our yesteryears next week.