Looking back: A Knotts film played at Strand Theatre
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Masland Carpet was to begin work on a new plant on May 1, 1967.
More than 180 people attended the Atmore Chamber of Commerce banquet.
Nine-year-old Willie F. Conway Jr. caught a 20-pound trout in Alaska, while his dad was stationed in Alaska with the U.S. Army. The family later moved to Atmore and Willie Jr. attended A.C. Moore Elementary School.
White’s Auto Store advertised a Catalina range with a $20 trade in of an old range, gas or electric.
“The Reluctant Astronaut,” starring Don Knotts was advertised as coming soon to the Strand Theatre.
I loved to watch Knotts. I remember the first place I ever saw him was on the old Steve Allen Show. He was a man on the street and he pretended to be nervous. He was the best at it I have ever seen. Later, he would be a part of the Andy Griffith Show and best friends with Andy.
It was in 1967 when the first women were picked to be part of juries.
It is hard to believe that it has only been 50 years since we women got to be a part of the jury. I have never served on a jury, but I have served on a grand jury. It was very interesting.
There was a large sketch of what the new $4.5 million dollar maximum security prison was to look like. Construction was about to get underway for the facility that would sleep 288 persons. If I was a betting woman, I would bet that there are more than 288 prisoners housed there today.
Escambia County High School was to put on its senior play, “Tom Jones.”
The Atmore police were looking for a person that shot into a mobile home, hitting one man in the back. The culprit was still on the loose a couple of weeks later.
Thompson’s had a suit with two pairs of pants on sale for $59.95.
Bedsole’s had Easter dresses on sale for $3.99 to $6.99.
Karen Langford received the Liberty Bell for selling the most magazine subscriptions ($330). The total sold was $4,448.
The old church of Atmore Church of Christ was torn down so a new church could be built.