Our next ‘Mr. Church’ is out there, waiting
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, March 22, 2017
My wife and I both love to read, but we also both like a good movie or a great TV series. Who doesn’t, right? The thing about us is we tend to love the same TV shows and can almost never agree on the same movie.
Over the last several years and especially since we have started using Netflix and Hulu, we’ve probably upped our movie intake and every so often, we’ll find one we both love. Great example: A little-known film called “Mr. Church,” starring Eddie Murphy as an in-home cook that changes a child’s life. We both loved it and if you feel like tearing up, I highly recommend it.
But that situation was the exception and not the norm for us. Steph really likes Science Fiction, for example. I just can’t get into most of it. I love a good horror movie. She says they give her bad dreams.
Strangely enough though, when it comes to TV shows, we’re usually both ready to settle in for the same things. “The Big Bang Theory” and “Friends” are sitcoms we watch over and over. We joined the millions of other disappointed viewers for “Lost,” but both enjoyed the ride. And I know we were really late to the party, but were most recently bummed when we finally finished “The West Wing.” And I’m not even ashamed to say I enjoyed “Glee” as much as she did. It’s a strange phenomenon. If you know us at all, you could look through our DVD collection and easily tell which movies are mine and which are hers, but if you checked out our queue, you’d find all the same shows.
Speaking of movies and strange phenomenon, I totally get the barrage of movie remakes lately. “Ghostbusters” with an all female cast; “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” but with a lot more special affects and CGI; “The Karate Kid” with Will Smith’s son in the main role. A fresh take on old hits with a bit of a new twist. I get it. But I kind of feel a little insulted when I realize I’m watching a movie where the studio basically released a remake of an old hit, with a few minor changes and tried to sell it as a completely new thing. For example: Die Hard in the White House. Oops, I mean “White House Down”.
It’s an older movie, so I don’t think I’m spoiling anything, but I was late to this party too. About half way through watching Channing Tatum killing terrorists in the White House, I realized he had been trapped in the building with a bunch of terrorists the whole film; there’s a scene where Tatum’s character fights with a terrorist on the roof and a helicopter piloted by the good guys shoots at him after mistaking him for a bad guy; the hero’s identity becomes known when the terrorists realize one of their hostages is related to him; and he constantly taunts the terrorists over the radio of the one he just killed. Like I said: Die Hard in the White House. But, hey. Stuff was blowing up and the guy behind the scenes was about to be exposed, so I kept watching.
I know every movie can’t be a great one and I may be a bit picky, but I’ve just never been one for summer blockbusters or the latest trend. And that’s okay. Maybe this summer between the remakes, the spinoffs and the obvious rip offs we’ll see some good stuff. Maybe Steph and I will even find our next “Mr. Church.”