Weekend adventure was well needed

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sometimes, a hard reset is needed.

Last weekend, a group of my best friends and myself met up just across the boarder in a town called Blakeley, Ga., to watch “Wonder Woman,” the newest film in the Detective Comics Extended Universe (DCEU). We went and watched the film at a theater in Dothan, which is located less than 30 minutes from Blakeley.

The film was fantastic and it proved to be a great climax to a great weekend.

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Everything, from Friday night to Sunday afternoon when we left, went smoothly.

All three of us had our own individual beds and were all well-fed, breakfast style.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

On Saturday, we all were treated to a spread of eggs, bacon, pancakes and grits. On Sunday, add sausage and cinnamon rolls to the menu and you have a winner.

We saw “Wonder Woman” on Saturday night, so during the day, we hung around playing video and board games.

The video game of choice was “Injustice 2,” the second part of a DC Comics fighting video game. The board games included Hasbro Trivial Pursuit: 2000s and Pressman Toy’s The Oregon Trail Card Game.

Both games were so much fun to play and proved to be a good appetizer to the main event, which was “Wonder Woman.”

Before entering the movie theater, I made sure I was caffeinated up enough to last through the movie. I made sure to get a large Dr. Pepper for the film just in case.

“Wonder Woman” is a fantastic film, and I felt right at home while watching.

The last time I felt this way was while watching “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II” in a theater in Orlando, Fla., at LeakyCon 2011.

Throughout the film, I marveled at what was unfolding on the screen. To be honest, I felt like I was going to be distracted at Gal Gadot’s (Wonder Woman/Diana) beauty, but that wasn’t the case.

I viewed Gadot as Wonder Woman, a character who is strong, acts on her convictions and is quite smart.

In addition to Gadot’s performance, Chris Pine’s performance as Steve Trevor was quite good. This was his second-best acting job under “Star Trek,” an opinion my friends and I agree on wholeheartedly.

When the film was over, I felt inspired, happy and excited for what the DCEU has to unfold.

Later this year, “Justice League,” a film in the DCEU, will be released in November.

Wonder Woman is a part of this group of comic-book heroes, and I hope she takes the reign of leader after an impressive performance in the film I saw over the weekend.