EA rising senior takes youth tour of Washington, D.C.
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 28, 2017
As Ashlyn Glick walked around the National Museum of the Marine Corps near Washington, D.C. recently, her appreciation for those who made the ultimate sacrifice multiplied.
The Escambia Academy rising senior was chosen to be a delegate for the Youth Leadership Tour in the country’s capitol. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative out of Brewton picked Glick to go on the tour.
She said that other students were picked from around the state and country by their cooperatives for the tour. She was one of six from the county to go on the tour.
When asked to describe her first time in Washington, D.C., Glick said it was overwhelming because of the amount of students from all over the country were attending.
“We had 58 kids from Alabama all together,” she said. “In our hotel, we had kids from Iowa and Indiana, and we had kids from California and Arizona. It was crazy in the hotel, but at the same time, D.C. was a pretty big and nice place.”
As a part of the tour, Glick visited the many memorials, including the Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, World War II Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, Iwo Jima and Korean Memorials; Arlington National Cemetery, the White House, the Holocaust Museum and toured the capitol, to name a few.
Additionally, Glick saw “The Sound of Music” in the Kennedy Center.
Glick said they watched the changing of the guard at Arlington National Cemetery.
“At the changing of the guard, the people in charge held a wreathe-laying ceremony,” she said. “Four of the delegates walked down with the guard.”
Glick said her favorite part of the tour was touring the National Museum of the Marine Corps.
“We walked around and got to see those people give their lives over the different seasons,” she said. “I’m always a person that’s really appreciative of that. Seeing the numbers of those who died in front of you; that really got to me. I have a bigger appreciation.
“The Holocaust Museum; it got to me,” she said. “It’s right there in front of you.”
Glick said the tour was an amazing opportunity, and that she now has a greater perspective on how big the country really is.
“You’re sitting there, thinking everybody should know your culture,” she said. “Whole bunches of people were asking what grits are. It’s kind of crazy to think people don’t live the same life as you are. It does give you the knowledge that the country bigger than what you expect.
“It’s an amazing opportunity,” she added. “It’s something of an honor if you get picked to go. You not only get picked, but it’s an all-paid trip. If you get picked, I hope they can realize how important and incredible of an opportunity it is.”
Glick is the daughter of Dwane and Regina Glick of Atmore.