Looking back: West Bros. was having a big winter coat sale
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, July 19, 2017
In July of 1972, Atmore was getting ready for the eighth annual Atmore Saddle Club’s show. Shane Bachelor of Atmore was selected queen of the event.
The United States Post Office announced new hours. From then on, the office would close at noon on Saturday.
I imagine this was good news to some and to others, not so much. There was a time in my life where I was excited to go see what the mail had delivered. That makes me sound so sad with no life at all. But I liked to get the mail every day and after my husband retired he took it over. I was very upset with him because that is something I wanted to do.
The Atmore Advance had plenty of good photographs of children attending Bible school.
I remember Bible school when I was a child. I loved it. We lived out in the country and sometimes walked to the school. We met in my childhood community at Asbury United Methodist Church in Dale County.
While everyone was trying to stay cool, West Brothers was optimistic and in spite of the heat, they were having a big winter coat sale. I never have understood that clothing for the summer is sold in the winter and clothing for the winter is sold in the summertime.
Piggly Wiggly had Royal Crown Cola on sale for five bottles for $1. Do you remember when everyone knew the phrase, “An R.C. Cola and a moon-pie.”
I don’t know if they even sell those anymore.
Mr. and Mrs Charles Maulden celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a party given by their children.
It was announced in The Atmore Advance that Piggly Wiggly was moving into the new Adams Plaza. Part of the space will be shared by TG&Y.
H.G. Agee posed with a 92 pound pumpkin that he said came from a seed of a 123 pound pumpkin grown in Henry County. The pumpkin was put on display at the Bank of Atmore. I almost called it a watermelon, but I went back and looked it up to be sure.
Onree Owens also was growing big. He was shown in his cornfield.
Although he was six feet, seven inches tall, the corn still stood above his head.
There was an article in The Atmore Advance about a man who actually saw Babe Ruth in 1939 when he pointed to the outfield indicating that was where he was going to hit it to.
Joe Sewell was the batter behind Ruth and saw the whole thing. Babe Ruth did indeed point to the outfield before he hit a home run.
Patricia Patterson McKenzie was running for a place on the city council.
Kwik Chek had a great sale on Deep South mayonnaise. It was priced at39 cents for a quart jar. Compare that to mayonnaise today.