Waves Carwash to be open soon on Hwy. 21
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Atmore’s newest car wash business is opening soon.
Located on North Main Street, just south of Walmart, Waves Carwash is a carwash that allows customers to have their cars washed via a conveyor belt.
“Technically, what it’s called is a terminal carwash,” Waves Co-Owner and Atmore native Greg Scheider said. “There is a conveyor belt you drive on to, and you set your car to neutral. You then take your hands off the wheel and your feet off of the break, and it will pull you through the wash.”
Schneider said a wheel pops up behind the back tire and pulls the car through the carwash.
“All of the equipment stays stationary and comes toward your car,” he said. “It’s unlike the other style of car wash where you park and sit, and it moves back and forth. This one is opposite of that.”
While at the carwash, customers will be able to choose three different levels of washes. Each level is named after the car wash’s name and are centered around water.
The bottom wash is the ripple wash, the middle wash is a swell wash and the top wash is the tsunami, Schneider said.
Schneider said customers will be able to bump up each wash prior to getting their cars washed as well.
With every wash, customers will be able to vacuum out their car at one of the many stations along the car wash, he said.
When asked when he thinks Waves will open, Schneider said he isn’t sure.
“We have basic training, and also will have some pay station set up this week,” he said. “We don’t know for sure. We possibly could be open at end of the week as long as we don’t hit any major problems.”
Schneider and his brother, Sheldon, are the co owners of Waves Carwash.
Business hours have not been set, yet, Schneider said.