‘Scale Back’ with us at the extension office

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Are you anxious to lose weight in a friendly and competitive way?

Well join us at our Scaleback Alabama Weigh-In site! The Escambia County Extension Office is a Scale Back Alabama Weigh-In Site once again. The Scale Back Alabama program officially kicked off on Monday and the Escambia County Extension office at 175 Ag Science Drive (right behind Southern Pine Electric Co-op) is an official weigh-in site again this year. Participants are welcome to stop by the Extension Office during weigh-in week, January 22nd-28th, anytime during business hours (8 a.m.—12 p.m. and 12:30—4:00 p.m.) for an official weigh-in. Weigh-out week is April 2nd—8th and the final event and cash prize drawings is on April 17.

To be eligible for team prizes, each team member must lose at least 10 pounds during the   9-week competition, as recorded by a coordinator at an official Scale Back Alabama weigh-in site. Winning teams are determined by a random drawing from all eligible teams. The first 3 teams drawn win $1,000 per team member, or a total of $2,000 for the entire team. The second 3 teams drawn win $500 per team member, or a total of $1,000 for the entire team. The final 3 teams drawn win $250 per team member, or a total of $500 for the entire team.

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All individuals who lose at least 10 pounds, as recorded by a coordinator at an official Scale Back Alabama weigh-in site, are eligible for an individual prize, regardless of their team’s achievement. However, individuals that are drawn for a team prize are not eligible to win the individual prizes.

From the pool of eligible participants, 40 individuals drawn win one of 40 achievement prizes of $100 per person.

For more information about the Scale Back Alabama program, please visit the website, www.scalebackalabama.com or contact Saundra Anthony, at the Escambia  County Extension Office, at 251- 867-7760.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!


How to Get Along With People

The following is excellent “Food for Thought”.  It’s the kind of “message” that makes one go …. Hmmmm  mmmm!  I hope this beautiful message will help you in your endeavor to get along with people in your daily life. Why not clip this article and post it where you can glance at it as a great reminder.  It was shared with me by my friend Tonya Thompson a few years ago but it is true even today.

How to Get Along With People

1. Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think.  How you say it often counts more than what you say.
2. Make promises sparingly and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs you.
3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging thing to or about somebody.  Praise good work done, regardless of who did it.  If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully.
4. Be interested in others; interested in their pursuits, their welfare, their homes and families.   Let everyone you meet however humble, feel that you regard him as one of importance.
5. Be cheerful.  Keep the corners of your mouth turned up.  Hide your pains, worries and disappointments under a smile.  Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them.
6. Preserve an open mind on all debatable questions.  Discuss, but not argue.  It is a mark of superior minds to disagree and yet be friendly.
7. Let your virtues speak for themselves, and refuse to talk of another’s vices.  Make it a rule to say nothing of another unless it is something good.
8. Be careful of another’s feeling.  Wit and humor at the other fellow’s expense are rarely worth the effort.
9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you.  Simply live that nobody will believe them.  Disordered nerves and a bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.
10. Don’t be too anxious about your dues.  Do your work, be patient and keep your disposition sweet, forget self and you will be rewarded.   Author Unknown.  Let’s see if we can  keep these tips is mind and practice them daily.