VFW auxiliary holding first ever duck race Saturday
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Atmore Memorial VFW Auxiliary will be putting on its own rendition of duck, duck goose this Saturday in hits first ever Quickest Quack on the Creek race at Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve.
The rubber ducks, which are sponsored, will float along a planned route. The race will be approximately 30 minutes, and will start at the pavilion area, according to officials. Additionally, there will be a corn hole tournament as well. Door prizes will be awarded.
Registration opens at 10 a.m., and the race starts at 11.
“The auxiliary has rounded up some very ambitious ducks for the race,” Auxiliary President Gayle Johnson said. “They have been ‘practicing’ for a couple of weeks now are impatiently waiting to float the creek on the big day. You can sponsor ducks by purchasing a wristband for $10 from any member of the auxiliary.”
Each wristband will sponsor three three ducks and provide free admission to Magnolia Branch the day of the race, Johnson said.
(Those without a wristband will be required to pay the regular $5 entrance fee at the gate.) You may sponsor additional ducks the day of the race; additional ducks are two for $5 or 5 for $10, she said.
The race will be led by ducks representing the military; a prize will be given to the individual sponsoring the ducks that cross the finish line first ($100), second ($75) and third ($50), excluding the military ducks.
There will also be a drawing for “Quack” prizes donated by local businesses, tickets available day of the race and will be $1 or six for $5, she said.
All funds raised will go into the Auxiliary’s general fund to assist veterans, their families, and program goals.
Call 251-359-0768 or atmorevfwaux@gmail for more information.