Looking Back: Wilson hailed a hero after saving grandma
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Twenty years ago, in 1998, Bennie Lee Lucas, who had been found guilty for the murder of his stepson, was asking for a new trial. His defense was based on some jurors’ statements. Later on that year, he was denied a new trial.
An Atmore man was shot in the head following an altercation.
Twelve-year-old Kevin Wilson was hailed as a hero after saving his grandmother’s life. He had missed the school bus and was walking back to his house to call his mother. As he passed his grandmother’s house, he smelled something different. He opened the door and suddenly knew he was in a gas-filled room. He opened a door for ventilation and called mom at work.
His grandmother later stated that she had left the stove on the night before and lay down to take a nap. If Wilson had not missed his school bus and gone to his grandmother’s home, she probably would have died.
A third man, Anthony Harwell was arrested for bank robbery in the foiled robbery of Regions Bank.
The old city park in Atmore was getting a facelift.
A tip lead to the arrest of an Escambia County High School student who had a gun in her backpack.
A local group was seeking funds to open Hospitality House for family members of prisoners at Fountain and Holman. Sometimes family members are hampered by the inmate being so far away from home and them not having the funds to stay overnight. This was to make it easier for visitors who travel long distances from home.
Councilman David McKenley resigned as the police liaison.