Cooking is the best for me
Published 12:01 am Wednesday, April 8, 2020
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Finding ways to lessen your stress level these days can be difficult.
The other night, I didn’t feel like cooking after a long and stressful day.
However, I pushed through my whineyness and put pot on stove and got going.
After cutting up a few vegetables and beginning to cook, I instantly felt better, calm even.
Cooking, as I’ve discovered as of late, is a release for me.
As young as 8 years old, I began to practice my culinary skills by making omelets. Oh my, were they good!
And then pretty soon, I began to cook full meals for the family while my mother taught piano and my dad was at work.
During times like these, mabye I should begin to cook a lot more because it sure does help me cope with the day to day that is our new normal.
Speaking of cooking, the other night a friend messaged me on Facebook letting me know that he made some 100 meals for kids to hand out earlier this week.
As a side note, last week, free school meals were handed out to students ages 18 and below, but a statewide stay-at-home order negated this activity, shutting it down.
My friend grew up poor with a single mom who worked two jobs.
“I know what it’s like to be a hungry kid,” this friend said.
My heart warmed because I knew what this friend is going through, and to reach out and help others in this time of need is telling.
My friend said the goal is to make it a daily thing until they go back to school.
I responded, and told him that these kids will remember that meal way down the road.
Yes, on down the road, we’ll all remember this time in our lives and learn from it.
One thing I’ve learned is that tonight, I’ll be sure to get in the kitchen and whip something up.