BOE approves personnel recommendations
Published 4:25 pm Sunday, December 20, 2020
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The Escambia County Schools Board of Education adopted a resolution giving all fulltime and active employees a $500 payment at its meeting on Dec. 17.
Employees working effective Dec. 1, 2020, except for the superintendent, will receive the sum of the bonus.
In other business, the board:
• approved to submit a letter for the Flomaton Elementary building addition for the FES and FHS cafeteria renovation to the state school architect to request at PSCA number for this project;
• approved for Lathan and Associates Architecture to provide services need to help develop a bid packet for the completion of an addition to FES and the renovation to the cafeteria for FES and FHS;
• approved the awarding of a contract for emergency repairs caused by Hurricane Sally (flooding) for W.S. Neal High School to Triptek Contruction for $668,900;
• approved to proceed with a rating engagement for S&P Global Ratings to begin the analytical rating process for $22,750;
• approved the authorization to execute a warrant purchase agreement in connection with the issuance of tax anticipation warrants;
• approved the appointment of Board Attorney Broox Garrett, for Jan. 1, 2021 through Dec. 31, 2021, with a $1,000 retainer fee;
• approved the following personnel recommendations:
Leave of absence
• Krystal Jernigan, bus driver at the Brewton Bus Shop, for a medical leave of absence, effective Aug. 19, 2020 through Dec. 1, 2020;
• Brandon Stophel, custodian at Escambia County High School, leave of absence under the Family Medical Leave Act for 60 days, effective Aug. 19, 2020 through Nov. 20, 2020;
• Lindsey Morgan, as elementary teacher at Escambia County Middle School, effective Nov. 20, 2020;
• Annette M. McKey, as elementary teacher at ECMS, effective Dec. 11, 2020;
• Cheri Parker, as LPN Aide at WSNHS, effective Nov. 30, 2020;
• Tammy Nelson, bus aide at Brewton Bus Shop, effective Dec. 18, 2020;
• Linda Sue Gibson, special needs bus driver/transportation secretary at Brewton Bush Shop, effective Dec. 21, 2020;
• Cordia Lee, as counselor at ECMS, to counselor (202-contract days) at the Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective Jan. 4, 2021;
• Robert Whitfield, as assistant principal at W.S. Neal Middle School, effective Jan. 4, 2021;
• Brandon Wiggins, as HVAC/electrician with Brewton Maintenance Department, effective Jan. 4;
• Ronald Davis, as bus driver at Atmore Bus Shop, effective Jan. 4;
• Julie Newton, as teacher at Title I After School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• Karen Andrews, as teacher at Title I After School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• Sharon Morgan, as teacher at Title I After School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• Jessica Green, as teacher at Title I After School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• DeAnna Ross, as teacher at Title I After School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• Julie Newton, as teacher at Title I Saturday School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• Jeffrey Haney, as teacher at Title I Saturday School program at FHS, effective Jan. 4;
• Leketha Bradley, as lead teacher at Title I After School Program at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Jan. 4;
• Heather Kirkland, as teacher at Title I After School Program at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Jan. 4;
• Melanie Kent, as teacher at Title I After School Program at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Jan. 4;
• Triston Fore, as teacher at Title I After School Program at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Jan. 4;
• Amber Carpenter, as teacher aide at Title I After School Program at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Jan. 4;
• Lillie Jones, as teacher aide at Title I After School Program at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Jan. 4;
• Janet Gunn, as substitute teacher at Title I After School Program at W.S. Neal Elementary School, effective Jan. 4;
• Marsha Wilson, as elementary teacher at ECMS, effective Dec. 14, 2020; and,
• James Rogers, as elementary teacher at WSNMS, effective Jan. 4, 2021.