Latest Looking Back


Looking Back: Deputy spots pot plants from air

Thirty years ago in 1991, there was a story in The Atmore Advance about Bertia Donald, a Nokomis ...


Looking Back: Atmore planned big 4th party

Thirty years ago in 1991, after getting Amtrak to stop in both Atmore and Brewton, it was believed ...


Looking Back: City readying for landscaping

Thirty years ago in 1991, downtown Atmore landscaping was set to begin. The city had been full of ...


Looking Back: 15 students worked at ANC

Thirty years ago in 1991, thieves and burglars were to be found all over town. Thieves broke into ...


Looking Back: Former super signs extension

Thirty years ago in 1991, Escambia County School Superintendent Archie Trawick signed a two-year extension on his contract. ...


Looking Back: Vandals hit Atmore area schools

Thirty years ago in 1991, someone had stolen air conditioners from where they had been installed during renovations ...


Looking Back: 30 years ago, area saw storms

Thirty years ago in 1991, this area of the state had seen several storms. A total of six ...


Looking Back: Atmore Advance adds new feature

Thirty years ago in 1991, golf lessons were to be offered at the Atmore YMCA. The teacher was ...


Looking Back: Kids at HES planned their field day

Thirty years ago in 1991, retired Adm. Jeremiah Denton, who  was held as a prisoner of war (POW) ...


Looking Back: City mulling vacation pay

Thirty years ago in 1991, the issue of vacation pay was on the minds of those in the ...

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