Small businesses need healthcare law repealed now

Published 9:25 am Monday, January 24, 2011

It’s clear from the countless polls and the latest election results, that Americans want a change of direction from the policies Washington has been pursuing.

We need to help small businesses have the certainty needed to plan and grow in the future.

That starts with repealing the expensive new healthcare law.  Plain and simple:  this law costs too much and delivers too little.  Not only does this healthcare law spend money we don’t have, but it’s paid for on the backs of small businesses.

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It levies endless new taxes, fees and mandates that hinder the growth of small business.  And, despite the rhetoric from its supporters, this law has actually made things worse than they were before.

For example, the new healthcare law requires businesses to send forms 1099 for every business-to-business transaction of $600 or more – a tremendous new paperwork burden.

It will only result in more job stagnation for businesses here in Alabama.

Our economic recovery starts with small business and Washington needs to reverse these job-killing policies.

We encourage our members of congress to stand with small business and vote to repeal the new healthcare law.

Bobby Davis
