Recognizing Mr. Byrd
Published 9:30 am Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dear Editor,
I would like to take a few minutes to recognize ECHS Principal Zickeyous Byrd. Mr. Byrd first came to our community in 2005 as principal of ECMS.
Needless to say, he injected the school and the students with a much-needed shot of fresh, new ideas. My daughter was a beginning 5th grader that year. She subsequently moved to another school district but now a sophomore in high school, she still recalls the liveliness of ECMS the two years she attended.
The winds of change blew and Mr. Byrd became principal of ECHS but he did not forget the seeds he had planted at ECMS. He volunteers so much of his own free time to serve as a mentor for so many of our African American youth. He gives them a younger than normal role model to pattern themselves after. His work along with other members, with the Atmore Kappa League has really infused our youth with a foundation of goals on which they can build on for years to come.
I know that someday soon, Mr. Byrd might be faced with a career decision to move on to greener pastures. Someone like him, with his positive, innovative and consistently good ideas are always in high demand. I just pray that the youth will continue the legacy he has created in just the short 6 years he has been a part of the Atmore community.
He has truly been a blessing and God-send to Atmore. Thank you, Mr. Byrd and may God continue to guide you and show favor on all your future endeavors.
Lee Williams