Thanks for supporting NALC food drive
Published 10:55 am Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dear Editor,
The Atmore Area Christian Care Ministries Board of Directors and volunteers would like to express our sincere thanks to the entire Atmore community for the response to the National Association of Letter Carriers food drive.
We have received over 9,000 pounds of food collected along mail routes in the Atmore Area. That response was over 2,000 pounds from last year. A special thank you to all letter carriers and the local post office personnel for their hard work in this annual food drive. They had to run their normal routes and collect food at the same time.
Food insecurity and hunger is unfortunately commonplace in our community and together we are meeting that need. The “Atmore Area” in Atmore Area Christian Care not only defines our operating area, but it means it takes the Atmore area to support this ministry and ensure it stays strong.
The goal of AACCM is to provide emergency assistance to people in need with food, benevolent emergency assistance, and hope. The support from the community through this food drive will enable us to continue for months to come.
AACCM Directors and Volunteers