Homecoming headquarters
Published 10:21 am Thursday, October 6, 2011

Students at Escambia Academy show their homecoming spirit Tuesday during pajama day. The Cougars will take on Southern Academy Friday night in Canoe. Pictured, from left, are Hunter McKinley, Robert Whatley, Wesley Steadham, Tori Searcy, Jacob Johnson, Jaylen Henry, Miss Michael Findley, Colby White, Jenna Brown, Branden Goddard, Tarissa Daughtry, Jarrett Hadley, Hunter Bates and Dillon Anderson.
Students at Escambia Academy are spending this week gearing up for the Cougars’ 2011 homecoming game with the Cougars of Southern Academy Friday night at Bachelor Field.
In preparation for the big night, EA is abuzz with activities and fun dress up days aimed at keeping the kids chocked full of school spirit.
EA Headmaster Betty Warren said the plan is working like a charm. The Cougars can use the extra pep as their week was cut short by a professional development day Monday for the teachers.
“The kids have a lot of spirit,” she said. “Thank goodness we were out of school yesterday. But it started up today with a pajama day and we have very few kids who aren’t participating, I can assure you.”
Warren said the dress up fun will continue throughout week with a redneck/camouflage themed day on Wednesday, a senior citizen day on Thursday and a spirit day on Friday.
Thursday afternoon, at 1:45 p.m., the homecoming activities will continue at EA with a “Powder Puff” football game pitting the junior girls against the senior girls as the junior and senior boys act as coaches for the two teams.
All of the excitement will culminate Friday night at 7 p.m. as the Cougars square off against their homecoming opponent.
Half time of Friday’s game will also be special as the 2011 homecoming court is presented, and the homecoming queen named.
Warren said this year’s homecoming court is unique.
“This year’s homecoming is real special because we have a junior homecoming court as well as a senior homecoming court,” she said. “So there’s just a lot of spirit and a lot of excitement in the air.”
This is the first year EA has included juniors in the homecoming court, although the tradition of choosing a senior as queen will continue Warren said.
EA’s homecoming will wrap up with a dance from 10:30 p.m. until 1 p.m.