Area gets set for Delta Dash
Published 9:40 pm Friday, July 26, 2013

A runner during last year’s Delta Dash braves an incline wall during the competition in Stockton. This year’s event is set for Saturday, Sept. 28.
As if running through a soggy delta wasn’t tough enough, the North Baldwin Chamber of Commerce’s young professionals group will add an incline wall, monkey bars, a slip and slide and other obstacles to the equation.
The event is dubbed the Delta Dash and it starts and ends at a location in Stockton with Atmore ties, Matthews Landing.
Organizers are in the process of building obstacles for the runners to traverse as they run through the delta and up and down the river.
“It makes for a fun run,” said event chairwoman Kimberly Cain. “You have the quaintness of being in the woods, but it’s set up to test endurance and strength. It’s all about pushing yourself.”
Five hundred runners participated last year, including Atmore residents and Cain is expecting even more will attend this year.
“We’re expecting double that this year,” she said. “We added more heats so we could handle at least 1,000 people.”
North Baldwin Chamber Marketing and Project Manager Ashley Jones wrote in an email that the event is set up for six heats and each heat can handle up to 200 runners.
“Which means we have space for 1,200 participants,” she said. “Only the first heat is competitive and we will present awards for the first, second and third place men and women.”
The 5K run will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28 and Cain said volunteers are needed.
To register for the run go to