EA girls start volleyball season with win

Published 12:02 am Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Escambia Academy first-year volleyball coach Charlotte Wiggins said the girls worked hard to get ready for this season.

Wiggins taught physical education at Excel in the Monroe County Public School system for 29 years. She coached varsity and junior varsity softball, and junior high and varsity basketball.

Wiggins retired this year, but came back into the teaching and coaching ranks.

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This is her first year coaching volleyball.

When asked about this year’s EA varsity and junior varsity squad, Wiggins said the girls have worked hard, especially during preseason workouts and so far this year.

“That’s really paid of for us,” she said about the conditioning. “They’re hitting and striking the ball better.”

Wiggins said the varsity girls have a lot of potential, adding that they’ve got four to five good hitters.

“We’ve got several kids that can play multiple positions,” she said. “Each sport I coach, I want every kid to have practice time at every spot.”

Already this season, the Lady Cougars beat Fort Dale on Aug. 14, and played in an area contest against Clarke Prep on Aug. 22.

Wiggins said during the CPS match, the girls trailed, but encouraged them to fight back.

“They came back,” she said. “I think our physical conditioning paid off because we won the next two.”

At present, EA’s campus is battling confirmed flu and bronchitis.

Wiggins said practice numbers suffered because of the illnesses, but they should be 100 percent in no time.

EA’s seniors this season include Brandi Wooten, Melanie Fournier, Victoria Sawyer and Erin Salter.

“They’re hustling and doing everything I ask them to do; they play hard,” Wiggins said.

Wiggins said team goals this season include competing in every game this year.

“I want to get right now six to eight kids to know each other well enoughplay together,” she said. “For the betterment of our program, especially for this year, we need to let them play and get as many reps as possible. The young people coming up will be the base for next year.”

EA is back in action against Lowndes Academy at home next Tues., Aug. 29.