Sample Headline Opinion 3
Published 2:19 am Sunday, January 16, 2000
By Staff
We are thankful this Thanksgiving week.
We are thankful that we can work at our community newspaper. That we can recognize a child who does well, and call into account an adult who doesn't. Let people know about your business. Bring you a story about your neighbor … or you.
We are thankful that we can attend a community Thanksgiving service and know almost every face in the choir. Not just know that a person looks familiar, but to call that person by name and, in most cases, know at least one family member.
We are thankful that we live in a community that rallies to meet a need. Disaster relief? Family burned out in a fire? The local Red Cross chapter always gets donations. Someone needs help with medical expenses? There are friends ready to organize a gospel singing or a spaghetti dinner. United Fund. American Heart Association Cardiac Arrest. American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Atmore's residents always come through. And Atmore's businesses dig deep and often.
We are thankful for our readers who invite us into their homes twice a week, readers who realize that, while our goal is to inform, it is not to incite. And we are thankful for our readers who realize that we are human and do make mistakes, but who also know that nobody regrets those mistakes more than we do.
We are thankful that we have not had to cover a school shooting, a church bombing, a hostage situation, destruction from a tornado, a shooting spree, a train derailment, an airplane crash.
We are thankful that hard news is hard to come by most weeks. Atmore just doesn't have many murders and rapes, armed robberies and kidnappings to write about. And don't we love it that way?
Give thanks tomorrow to your God. For friends, for family, for all that is precious in your life.
And give thanks for a sometimes dull little town.
We are so blessed.
Published Nov. 28, 1999