Christmas parade scheduled
Published 11:01 am Wednesday, November 15, 2000
Advance Managing Editor
With Christmas around the corner, the Chamber of Commerce's Christmas parade is beginning to take shape.
This year's parade is scheduled for Dec. 2 at 5 p.m. and organizers are currently accepting participants.
The twilight parade, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, was a huge success last year, and parade chairman Judy Pylate said expectations are high to make this year's even better.
The theme of the parade is "Greeting Card Christmas" and there is a $10 entry fee for floats. Walking groups, vans and other entries that will interact with the parade and be entertaining are welcome to enter. No cars or trucks, other than antiques and those carrying homecoming, rodeo, Little League queens or Miss Atmore will be accepted. Due to increased liability, horses with riders will not be allowed.
All trailers carrying children in the parade must have fenders over all tires and all drivers must be 21 years or older. Also all floats must have two walking monitors and one observer in the cab other than the driver. All float entrees are responsible for their own throws.
A safety meeting will be held prior to the parade to review rules and safety procedures.
All entrees will need to be at Atmore City Hall at 3:30 p.m. to line up on the day of the parade. The parade will begin there, proceed down Main Street and end at Escambia County High School.
The floats will be judged and prize money awarded to those that place in the top three. Pylate said an attempt is being made to raise money to offer better prizes this year due to the hard work the participants have done in the past.
Jars have been dispersed to local schools and businesses for donations to go toward the increased prize. Pylate said she is looking to raise the first place prize from $100 to $500, with second place receiving $300 and third place getting $100.
The parade is not all that the chamber has scheduled for Dec. 2. Events are scheduled throughout the day to promote community spirit.
In the morning, a "Breakfast with Santa" will be held. At present, plans are to hold the event at the Watson Cabin in Heritage Park.
The newest addition to Atmore's Christmas will be a children's parade held at 1:30 p.m.
Children ages 5 through 12 are invited to decorate their wagons, bike, or even themselves, and join in a parade of their own that will begin at the American Legion Building and end at city hall. There will be no entry fee and trophies will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners in two age categories.
The parade was originally planned to be held on Pensacola Avenue. But, during a recent chamber meeting, downtown merchants suggested bringing it to Main Street.
Between the parades, carolers will be walking along Main Street singing songs that should get everyone in the spirit of the season.
Pylate said that Christmas time in Atmore has always been special and she hoped that the community would come together again this year to make it another memorable occasion.