Patience is key to joyful holiday shopping
Published 12:09 pm Wednesday, December 13, 2000
By Staff
Northveiw High School's ROTC second platoon, commanded by Cadet Ensign Katie Welch, parade during an annual inspection Friday morning. Various awards were given to individual cadets and the third platoon, commanded by Cadet Ensign Amanda Bowling, earned an award for their drill presentation. Cadet Ensign Chris Walz led the first platoon. The ROTC also earned the high honor of being awarded the Bravo Zulu Award. This was the first year that the school's ROTC has won the award which is based on both academics and military qualifications. On hand for the inspection, left to right, were Senior Chief Lee Coleman, associate naval science instructor at NHS, Commander Cliff Harrington, operations officer for SNET, Commander Terry Rauch, area manager for ROTC, Lt. Col. Pete Peters, naval science instructor at NHS, Capt. Major Mike Beale of SNET and Capt. Mike Brown.