Weekend promises to be one of biggest
Published 8:03 pm Wednesday, June 6, 2001
By Staff
This weekend promises to be one of the biggest, most active and most important weekends in Atmore since Mayfest.
Relay for Life is Friday night and event organizers have high hopes that the community will exceed its $85,000 fund-raising goal to help battle cancer. The American Cancer Society touches many lives each year as it continues to seek a cure for a disease that has touched virtually every person, whether personally or through loved ones.
Additionally, Unity in the Community Day is scheduled for Saturday and promises to bring together involved members of our community as they seek to celebrate the importance of crossing all barriers to unite together for the common good.
Sponsored by Concerned Citizens of Atmore, the event will feature activities, games and other fun events that people won't want to miss. It begins at 9 a.m. Saturday with the Martin Luther King Jr. Little League Parade.
To top all of this off, summer recreation began this week for much of Atmore. Tennis lessons, swimming lessons and other terrific activities for adults and children are being offered.
What do all of these things have in common? Two very significant things.
Timing is the most obvious. This weekend will offer something for everyone in the community. Whether it's your desire to be with your friends and celebrate the lives of your loved ones who have perished from or who have beaten a deadly killer, or you want to participate in a fun-filled weekend of activities, you will have that opportunity.
But most of all, these activities should serve to make us all step back for one split second and realize all of the wonderful things that happen in this small community comprised of people who love their neighbors and care about their children's futures.
We all have heard it said, "There's nothing to do in Atmore." Think of this weekend the next time someone says this. When you do put some thought into it, you may realize that it's easier to complain about what's perceived to be wrong than it is to enjoy the tremendous opportunities we have before us.
Atmore is a blessed community. Good leadership, strong community pride and a desire to make the world a better place are just a few things that make Atmore unique.
Participate in something and don't miss out on one of the most critical reasons many of us have chosen to raise our families here.