Huey Long's words fit Alabama well
Published 9:59 pm Wednesday, August 1, 2001
By Staff
To the editor:
No sooner do we read of the governor's tight-lipped business affairs and more mistakes found by the press, then comes $400,000 tumbling out of the trees into the pockets of Mr. Siegelman. Do we still trust him and for how long?
Former governor of Louisiana Huey P. Long had the best of speech-making abilities this country has ever produced in the political circles. I am now reminded of one.
Under the Evangeline oak tree in south Louisiana, Huey P. will be long remembered for these statements: "Where are the schools that you have waited for your children to have that never come? Where are the roads and highways that you spent your money to build that are no nearer now than ever before? Where are the institutions to care for the sick and disabled? Evangeline wept bitter tears in her disappointment. But they lasted through only one lifetime. Your tears in this country around this oak, have lasted for generations!"
Huey P.'s voice could be heard today in Alabama, asking the same questions to our own elected officials. In one political fight, Huey said, "When you've got nothing in your favor, start a row on the opposition."
In the case of the current governor and his staff, one does not need to start a row, just stand still for a little while and it'll just fall out of the trees! Now with the courts after the governor, the schools, colleges, county commission, sheriffs, prison system's mess and the federal courts, all we find going on is more private business deals and back room deals.
I am pretty sure that the county commissions and the sheriffs of Alabama would be ever so glad to be able to get some help and relief from the Siegelman boys!
Huey P. once said he never took a case against a poor man. For the better part of his life, he fought Big Oil and the Big Mules because they knew how to pull the strings of the legislature with big money. He also said they all sleep in the same bed!
While we look at our Evangeline oaks in Alabama, what can we expect to happen to our offspring when the Goat Hill Gang has eaten up the leaves of progress and prosperity and trampled the acorns of truth!
Maston Mims Sr.