New education plan predictable
Published 10:26 pm Wednesday, August 8, 2001
By Staff
To the editor:
Governor Don Siegleman and his new plan for education is no more predictable than counting stars on a half-cloudy night with very dark shades on.
First off, the governor has no real method to finance such a widespread program. However, every taxpayer in Alabama knows to look forward to taxes of all descriptions. For sure property tax increases on houses and land will be front and center. Any person who runs for office on such a program will be stalled at the gate of the race.
Alabama is extremely fed up with the hit-and-miss programs that have been dreamed up by those in charge. The governor has proven that he does not read very well so now it appears he does not hear very well either. How so? He refuses to hear how well he fared on the gambling proposal and acts as though it never happened.
The unspoken program he talks about now will leave nobody untouched n from agriculture, hunting, parks, income tax, sales tax, coffee shops, soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco, gas n all will pay more and more. So don't think you will be left out.
You must remember nothing is safe nor sacred when the legislature is in session. Also remember n how can we trust officials who won't even explain the current messes they have created, most of which are on-the-side business deals worth millions.
Ask questions Alabama. It's your right.
Maston Mims