Devoted few help Meals' program survive
Published 11:29 pm Wednesday, August 29, 2001
By Staff
To the editor:
I would like to publicly thank a special group of people in this community who have gone way past the call of duty in looking out for their fellowman.
Back on Feb. 12, 1989, the Meals on Wheels program was started by the Agency on Aging. Several people agreed to sponsor the program through their donations.
During his work at First United Methodist Church, the late Mr. John Henderson went full speed ahead with this program. After Mr. Henderson's passing, Mr. John Garrard filled his shoes by continuing to work with the program. Mr. Pete Farrar coordinated the volunteer staff that saw to it that the meals were delivered to the outlying areas and the Atmore Nursing Care staff delivered the in-town meals.
Donations ranged in size from a week's coverage to an entire year. The contributions covered the cost of the meals and many were especially earmarked for a family friend or co-worker. The meals were delivered to persons who were physically or mentally handicapped, many who were living alone. The visits by the delivery person were just as beneficial to the recipient as was the meal.
Donations to the Meals on Wheels program have declined, but the faithful remain just that – faithful. My thanks especially to the First United Methodist Men's Share program, the First Baptist Sunday School Class, and the Neighborhood Garden Club for their support since the inception of the Meals on Wheels program in 1989.
Perhaps there are others in the community who would like to contribute a tax deductible contribution to the Aging Program notating the Meals on Wheels program. Please contact me at 368-1032. Your donation will certainly stay in your community by helping those who are your friends and neighbors.
Regina Gohagan, director
Escambia County Agency on Aging