Red Cross seeks to assist local families
Published 3:06 am Wednesday, November 28, 2001
The local Red Cross chapter is riding high after donations poured into the office as people, businesses and service organizations opened their hearts and their checkbooks for the families of those lost in the September 11 tragedy.
And while West Escambia Red Cross officials are thankful for the support, they say there is work that can be done locally to assist the hundreds of local residents who will soon lose their jobs.
According to Betty Loup, director of the local chapter, energy assistance and other forms of relief are available to those affected through Red Cross, as long as donations keep coming in.
Local residents proved to be especially generous as contributions to the fund established for the victims of the September 11 tragedy totaled more than $9,000.
In addition to assistance offered through Project Share, an energy program designed to assist residents 62 and older who live exclusively on Social Security funds, Red Cross can offer other services to unemployed residents who seek assistance.
Local businesses and service organizations led the pack with contributions. The Atmore Women's Club was one organization that was able to raise $557 through raffles of prizes donated by generous area merchants.
Peggy Dabbs, a member of the Atmore Women's Club, said she is thankful to all of those who helped make the fundraiser a success.
Her organization was one of many that helped the West Escambia County Red Cross Chapter raise more than $9,000.
But Loup asks residents not to stop now.