Local service groups need your help
Published 8:50 am Wednesday, February 20, 2002
By Staff
Tuesday the people of Atmore truly showed they had a heart.
With a gathering on the lawn in front of City Hall, the American Heart Association's Cardiac Arrest booked over 35 "most wanted citizens," each of which spent the last few weeks raising money for this program.
Even being sentenced to embarrassing tirades, being placed behind bars complete with prisoner garb and being forced to face the cold-hearted Judge Tom "Big Bad" Wolfe stopped these concerned citizens from helping to stop one of America's biggest killers: Heart Disease.
Their mission is simple: to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular disease and stroke.
That goal is not so simple: to stop a killer that takes the life of an American every 33 seconds. That's over 1 million each year.
Last year the American Heart Association spent over $380 million for research, public health education, professional training and education in new lifesaving techniques and community services, no small change for an organization that spent only $105 million in fundraising efforts and raked in over $500 million nationwide.
However it seems that the American Heart Association gets lost in the fray with so many other organizations asking for money.
Out of the city's estimated population of over 8,000, only 35 people participated in the Cardiac Arrest program.
With tons of programs, it's sometimes easy to forget about the numerous charitable organizations there are out there.
From the Heart Association, the United Fund, Relay for Life, the Atmore Arts Council and the Greater Escambia Council for the Arts, it's easy to get bombarded by the never-ending hand out for a handout.
But that's no excuse.
With the amount of money these organizations pour into our local community to help save the lives of relatives, neighbors and friends, anyone can find five minutes from their day to write a check. Or develop a fundraiser. Or ask that a percentage of your check be donated to the organization of your choice.
And the list goes on.
In fact, to help or to be a part of these organizations, all you need to do is ask.
Call your neighbors, friends and relatives. Ask them to participate.
Better yet, contact your local state representatives and ask for their support in these programs.
Have a heart. Find the time. Help those who need your help.