Atmore has been great 'temporary home' for me
Published 1:13 pm Wednesday, July 10, 2002
By By Laura Courson, Random Me
Well citizens of Atmore, the time has come for me to say good-bye. My internship is coming to a close and I must return to my home in Troy. While I have enjoyed my time here and have made good friends and memories, I am eager to return home.
My family, friends and familiar surroundings are what I long to see most.
Don't get me wrong, the people of Atmore have been kind to me during my time here and I appreciate it. I would specifically like to thank Mayor Howard Shell, the city council, John Garrard, members of the chamber of commerce, Brian Blackley, Robbie Byrd, Caitlin Channell, Chuck Bodiford, Tammy Graham, Katie Guyton, Donald Wright, Melissa Blankenship, Brandy Blackley and all the other Atmorians that made my stay here a pleasant one.
Troy may not be the greatest or the largest city in the world, but it is where I was born and raised. I have much pride in my hometown and I am excited about the upcoming football season at Troy State University.
Thinking about the upcoming season brings me both great joy and a little sadness. This season will be my last as a TSU student.
The end of my internship is the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one filled with exciting and new things. When I return to Troy I will be a senior in college. I will have only two semesters remaining till graduation.
This realization is both startling and relieving. I will be given a slip of parchment and released into the world to fend for myself. Oh the humanity!
It is during this time of endings and beginnings that I pause to think about my future plans. The world won't wait for me to decide and I could be passed over for many exciting opportunities if I wait too long.
There in is my quandary. What will I do with the rest of my life? I guess it will be better for me to jump into the world with both feet and hope I don't drown in the process of taking it all in. It is with those final random words of youthful wisdom that I bid the citizens of Atmore adieu.