Ulysses Grant Hall
Published 3:53 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2002
By Staff
Mr. Ulysses Grant Hall, 86, of Oak Grove died Friday, September 6, 2002, at his residence.
He was a retired farmer, born in Bratt.
Mr. Hall is survived by his wife, Mildred Hall of Oak Grove; a son, Terry G. Hall of Oak Grove; two brothers, Hoover Hall of Oak Grove and Arnold Hall of Bratt; three grandchildren, Darryl G. Hall of Charlotte, N. C., Sheila (Ronnie) O'Farrell of Oak Grove and Pam H. (Ron) Wilson of Charlotte and four great-grandchildren, Sarah O'Farrell, Zachary O;Farrell. Ethan Wilson and Gregson Wilson.
Funeral services were held Sunday, September 8 at 2 p.m. at Johnson-Quimby Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Kevin Flannagin officiating.
Burail follwed at Oak Grove Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Darryl Hall, Ronnie O'Farrell, Ron Wilson, Leroy Wiggins, James Earl Hall and Zachary O'Farrell.
Johnson-Quimby Funeral Home, Inc. was in charge of arrangements.