A different kind of Thanksgiving this year
Published 6:08 pm Wednesday, November 27, 2002
By By James Crawford
News Editor
Tomorrow everyone will get a chance to do what he or she thinks about doing all year long – taking the day off and be with family and friends. You're allowed. In fact, its pretty much mandated that you do so.
Thanksgiving is a day of rest, a day of feasting on bountiful food and a day to celebrate your family and friendships. This Thanksgiving will be a bit different for my family and I. Having relocated to Atmore just two weeks ago, we will be spending tomorrow taking in the Pow Wow at the Poarch Creek Indian Reservation.
We will get to head home the following weekend to see our loved ones and possibly some of our friends but not actually on Thanksgiving Day, and that's fine. Despite the fact that for the 31 years of my life, I've always enjoyed having Thanksgiving with my mother, I'm actually adjusting OK.
We recently had an office party where I tried fried turkey for the first time and to put it mildly, I loved it. I may never eat another baked turkey again. So in some ways, change is good.
I may have to get used to the idea of seeing my mother and family a few days later than I'm used to but in return we have found a community that has welcomed us with open arms. I'm getting a chance to be a part of this newspaper and to help it become a prominent figure in the community once again. You couldn't ask for a better staff to work with or a nicer group of people.
My family and I have found no end of things to see here and places to venture to. We are all looking very much forward to attending the Pow Wow and watching the dancing and believe me when I tell you I plan to sample all the food they have to offer. This being my first big move I thought I would be terribly homesick by now but I'm not. I'm very thankful, and I think a bit lucky, for my good fortune in the lasts month. It has been quite a turnaround for me.
I'd like to remind all of us that we should never take the next moment for granted; you never know where life may take you. A lot of people won't be having a very nice day tomorrow: the homeless, the unemployed, those confined to hospital beds and even those up the road in the prison.
If you have a chance, please take a moment to remember all of them. I'm sure they could use the prayers and even a helping hand if you have something to offer. Don't waste the holiday, take a few minutes to focus on the good things in your life, call a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, or invite a neighbor over to eat if they're single. Be thankful for everything you have and be willing to share it with whomever is in need. Have a great day!