Reading Relay continues this week at Escambia Academy
Published 12:08 am Saturday, February 22, 2003
By Staff
From Staff,
Press Reports
The Escambia Academy Student Government Association kicked off its Second Annual "Reading Relay" Friday, with the event involving students in grades K4-12 wrapping up on Feb. 28.
For seven consecutive days and nights, students will read nonstop in the library. During the school day, guest readers have been invited to come in and read to elementary students as well.
On such guest, Miss Alabama Scarolotte Deupree, will be visiting the school Tuesday morning and reading to elementary students, in addition to presenting a program on reading to middle and high school students.
The Reading Relay event was established in 2002 with a three-fold purpose. The first purpose was for the SGA to raise money for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life project. Secondly, the SGA wanted a project that would involve the entire student body and focus on the importance of reading. Third, the SGA wanted to raise funds to support projects within the school.
The event has been a tremendous success, with more than 90 percent of the student body participating and all the goals being exceeded.
Students solicit pledges for their participation in the project to raise money. The first $1,000 collected is committed to Relay for Life, and funds collected beyond that are used for school projects of the SGA. Earlier this month in a candlelight ceremony, students participating in the event were able to dedicate their involvement to a family member or friend who has battled cancer.
Elementary students will have special reading emphasis in their classrooms, such as pajama day to cuddle up with a book or dress as a character from your favorite book day. High school students will read from 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. every night at class lock-ins. Afternoons and early evenings are reserved as "family reading times" and are available upon request by the students and their families.
A final highlight to the event is the competition for a "Guinness World Record." The category of "longest continuous reading by a school" was submitted last year and official approval for the category was received in November from Guinness. The SGA plans to submit to Guinnes the 2003 "Reading Relay" for a world record.