Hometown Heroes
Published 3:36 am Saturday, April 12, 2003
By Staff
Local servicemen
The following short profiles on military personnel who have local connections and are on active duty are provided here to remind readers of the local people serving our country in time of war.
To profile one of your servicemembers here, simply stop by the offices of The Atmore Advance and fill out a form.
There is no charge for this service:
William Brad Carlton
Natalie Ann Carlton
An Atmore native, Brad Carlton is a Staff Seregeant with the United States Air Force, where he serves with the 355th Logistics Squadron at Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Ariz. He and his wife, Natalie, are expecting their first child in November.
Natalie, a California native, is also a Staff Sergeant with the United States Air Force, where she serves with the 355th Logistics Squadron at Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Ariz. She recently served in both Turkey and Kuwait. She is the daughter-in-law of Jim and Janice Carlton.
Brad is the son of Jim and Janice Carlton. He has once sister, Nicole Carlton, and a brother, Grant Carlton. He is the grandson of William and Shirley Marshall and Lettie Daughtry of Atmore.
Derrick Lawson
Sergeant Derrick Lawson, a McCullough native, is currently serving in the 77th Maintenance Company in Germany.
He is the son of Wade and Alberta Johnson, Jr., and is married to Alielobreat Lawson. He has two sisters, Kristy Johnson and Lucretia Johnson; a brother, Wade Johnson III; and two sons, Mekel Tenison and Derrick Lawson, Jr. He is also the grandson of Wade Johnson, Sr., and Elma Lawson.
To send him a message of support, e-mail him at derricklawson195@hotmail.com.