No end to blessings we each have in our lives

Published 4:31 am Wednesday, April 30, 2003

By By Lindsey Sherrill
Staff Writer
Sunday night some friends and I were talking about things that we are thankful for.
When first put on the spot to name a blessing we were all blank.
Yet after several moments of thought the amazing things in our lives began to come so fast that there really seemed no end to our blessings.
I thought that today I could share a few of the many things I'm thankful for with you.
My family. I cannot imagine being without these people.
My parents are great and my two sisters and brother are the absolute loves of my life.
My friends. I have so many people I can count on for so many things.
Some are encouraging, some inspiring. Others are simply good for a laugh.
Others remind me of what's important. Still others are around just for a good time. I don't know what I do without this.
My town. It really is a blessing that we take for granted to live in a place where we can feel safe. And not only safe, but also welcomed and loved.
Atmore, like all towns, has its problems and downfalls, but there are so many more things on the good side.
My churches. I attend two churches regularly and it is such an amazing blessing to be in two places where the people not only love God, but also truly love and care about me.
My teachers. I know how absolutely obnoxious students, especially seniors, can be this time of year. It's incredible that the teachers care enough not to throw up their hands and just give in.
I could go on and on. The things that I have been blessed with are innumerable and invaluable.
Stopping to reflect on these blessings can really change my entire outlook.
Take a moment yourself to think about your own list of gifts. You might be amazed what you find.
Lindsey Sherrill is a staff writer at the Atmore Advance. Her column appears on Wednesday.

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