Campus Kudos
Published 4:47 am Saturday, May 3, 2003
By Staff
Campus News
McNeil Graduates May 10
Carlos D. McNeil, the son of Charles and Eunice Johnson of Atmore, the grandson of Helen Kate McNeil, Beatrice Johnson, the late Jimmie Lee Johnson, Eugene McNeil and Ollie McNeil, and nephew of James McNeil and Edna Robinson will graduate May 10, 2003 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Textile Management and Technology.
Commencement exercises will be held at Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum at 10 a.m. in Auburn. McNeil attended Jefferson Davis Community College in Atmore for one year before transferrring to Auburn.
Alpha Sigma Lambda
The University of Mobile's Iota Eta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society recently inducted Elsie Butler of Atmore as a charter member. Members of Alpha Sigma Lambda are chosen from the top 10 percent of adult students in higher education.
Paul Johnson Honored at UM
Paul Johnson, a senior at the University of Mobile, has been inducted into Sigma Beta Delta, an international honor society in business, management, and administration. To be eligible for this honor, a student must have attained superior records in business programs at their college or university. Inductees must be in the top 20 percent of their graduating class. Paul is the son of Robert and Sandra Johnson of Atmore and will graduate in May.