Sports briefs
Published 6:47 am Wednesday, June 25, 2003
By Staff
July 5
The Escambia County High School Volleyball Team will hold a carwash from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 5. Donations of any amount are welcomed.
July 12
An ASA Slow pitch softball upper and lower class tournament will be held July 12 at NAS Pensacola 6 Field Complex. For more information call Gibert Gonzales at (850) 748-6327 or 995-1105 or Eric Showalter at (850) 937-2890 or 712-6326.
July 29-31
The Escambia County High School volley ball team will be hosting a volleyball camp conducted by the Alabama State University women's volleyball team for girls in grades 7 – 12. The event will be held from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. daily on July 7 – 12 in the old gym. The cost for the camp is $30 made payable to Escambia County High School volleyball. For more information call Coach Andre' Hodges at 368-0684 or 490-3342.
Ongoing events
The Monroeville Mockingbirds fast pitch softball team has an opening for players ages 10-12 (or 13 after Jan. 1) to compete in weekend tournaments. Players with pitching and catching experience are especially needed. Lots of fun guaranteed. Call Mike Qualls at 575-3282 Mon.-Fri. during the day, or 862-2845 in the evenings and weekends.