Calling all Veterans
Published 9:22 am Wednesday, September 3, 2003
By by Lee ‘Lavan’ Martin
Both the American Legion Post 90 and Atmore VFW Post 7016, Veterans of Foreign Wars, began Program Year 2003-04 with fellowship dinners.
Veterans of Atmore VFW Post 7016 held a barbecue dinner Monday for post members, their friends and spouses. Following the dinner, post officers gave a status report on the building fund and repairs. In addition, information on the VFW's Veterans in School Program and planned visits to the State Veterans Nursing Home in Bay Minette and the World War II Museum in New Orleans were discussed.
Atmore VFW Post 7016 will continue to meet monthly on the first Monday beginning with the executive board meeting at 6 p.m. and the membership meeting at 7 p.m. Fellowship gathering on Friday nights and Saturday mornings for coffee and doughnuts will continue throughout the year.
Veterans of American Legion Post 90 will begin their program year at 6 p.m. Sept. 8, with dinner for post members, their friends and spouses followed by a tribute to student participants in Boys State 2003. In addition, representatives from the First National Bank of Atmore, the Atmore United Bank, Johnson Ford, Inc., and post member Jack Wright, will be recognized for their financial support of Boy States.
Post members will also be visiting the VA Nursing Home as well as promoting their school prograrns, especially their student oratorical and Boy State programs as well as their participation in several civic activities. The Post will also continue its Saturday Night dances which post members are encouraged to attend along with their spouses and friends.
Atmore American Legion Post 90 meets monthly at 7 p.m.on the second Monday of the month. Veterans interested in becoming involved with the American Legion may call Post Commander Adolph "Doc" Sutton at 368-3783. Those interested in the Veterans of Foreign Wars may call Post Commander Lee "Lavan" Martin at 368-8160.