Our view
Published 12:28 pm Wednesday, November 5, 2003
By Staff
Support food drive
Children, at least most children, have no concept of what it means to be without enough to eat. For that we are thankful.
But the concept is not foreign enough, and that is where the Atmore Area Christian Cares Ministry comes in to play.
This is a non-denominational food bank and services clearing house that gathers and provides food to those in need.
Right now that organization is gearing up for its annual November food drive.
The requests get heavier this time of year.
There are many reasons for that.
One is that the weather turns cooler, and people need more to eat in cool weather.
And there is less seasonal work available in cooler weather, so there are more people whose limited income slows or stops all together.
There are people that can get by through the biggest part of the year, but those on fixed incomes find it difficult in the cooler months because their heating bills get higher. As anyone on a fixed income can tell you, there is no room for variation on that kind of budget.
And the holidays also have something to do with the demands made on the food bank. It seems to be worse during the holiday season to be without, more hurtful somehow, even for those folks who are grown and have no small children to provide for. Perhaps it is expectations, or memories of the way things were when they were children, but people want a decent meal at the holidays.
It isn't difficult. Almost every church in town takes up canned goods for the ministry at least one day a month. Almost every school takes canned goods during the drive. If that is not going to work for you and your family, you may call the ministry, and it will arrange for a pick up of what ever you may have to donate.
And the things that are needed are not expensive, either. They are things that you may just add to your order when you buy groceries for your own family. Anything is appreciated.
Often times people who might otherwise donate will say to themselves, if they need help, there are agencies in the federal government whose job it is to feed those who are without. That is why there are food stamp programs.
This is true, and when a family or individual seems to have a chronic problem, they are referred to those agencies that are equipped to deal with long term needs.
The ministry helps when there is an occasional problem, or a seasonal layoff, or an unusual circumstance in which a family is caught short. No one wants to be in a situation where they are unable to provide for their family. No one wants to ask for food. If they ask for help, it is because they need it. And it is our bounded duty to help those caught in that kind of situation. Those of us who have more should give more, and be glad to do so. Be thankful you have enough to share. We are called on to care for the least among us.
This is the time. As the saying goes, need knows no season. The AACCM needs your help, and needs it now.
Open your hearts, your wallets and your pantry. Give generously. Love your neighbor in a tangible way.