Nov. 12
Published 12:43 pm Wednesday, November 12, 2003
By Staff
Joyriders will meet in the fellowship hall of United Methodist church. Please bring a covered dish.
Nov. 13
Escambia Academy Fall Festival 4-7 p.m. Go fish,
balloon throw ring toss, football and basketball throws, cake walk, Pepsi, pizza and cotton candy
Atmore Health Department will begin giving flu shots to the general public. Available 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. All Medicare patients must bring Medicaid cards.
Regular meeting of the Escambia County School board 4:30 p.m. at the Brewton Central office.
Nov. 13-14-15
Atmore Community Hospital Auxillary will hold its $5 jewelry sale from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday in the Mason Auditorium.
Nov. 20
Atmore Health Department will give flu shots to the general public. Available 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. All Medicare patients must bring Medicaid cards.
Nov. 22
20th annual Peterman Station days arts and crafts festival in Peterman, six miles north of Monroeville. For more information you may call Alice Chandler at 564-2260.
Nov. 27
Trinity Episcopal Church will provide lunch for anyone in need. A hot, traditional Thanksgiving lunch will be served in Trinity's Parish Hall (203 S. Carney Street) between 11a.m. and 1 p.m. Take-outs will not be
Nov. 29
Eighth annual Hunter Appreciation Day in Pine Apple. Live entertainment and arts and craft vending beginning at 9 a.m. and parade at noon. Awards ceremony at 7 p.m. For more information or booth space you may call John Lampkin at 746-2139. or visit the Web site at
Dec. 4
Atmore Health Department will give flu shots to the general public. Available 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. All Medicare patients must bring Medicaid cards.
Dec. 8
Woodmen of the World Lodges 1872 and 1892 will meet at 6:30 at the VFW building at 206 West Ashley St.
Nov. 9-14
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church will hold its homecoming and revival services. Homecoming wil be Nov. 9 at 3 p.m. and revival will begin Nov 10 at 7:30, continuing through the week. The evangelist will be Rev. Elliott T. Ivey of Birmingham. The church is located at 1209 MLK Ave.
Nov. 15
We Care Program Ministry will hold its banquet at 5:30 p.m. in the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Speaker will be Steven Longenecker, pastor of Grace and Truth of Birmingham.
Please make reservations by Nov. 5 by calling 368-8818.
Church of Phillipsville will hold a gospel singing at 7 p.m. featuring Won By Faith. The church is located on Phillipsville Road of U.S. 31. A love offering will be collected. For more information you may call 937-4121.
Gospel sing at Lottie Baptist Church 6 p.m. all singers welcome.
Nov. 16
Huxford Community Church will hold a birthday party for Vora Corley 1-3 p.m. She will be 90 on Nov. 20.
Harvest day at Greater Mt. Triumph at 3 p.m. with Rev. Walter Bracy of First Baptist Church of Pritchard. For more information you may call 368-2463.
Nov. 22
Thirteenth Annual Thanksgiving Feast 'Reach out project' at 1 p.m. in north Freemanville. Devotional leader Sister Irlena Barnes. For more information you may call Genena Rivers at 368-4408.
Nov. 23
Atmore Community Choir Thanksgiving Celebration 6:30 p.m. at he First Assembly of God 1120 S. Main. In addition to music, a special prayer will be offered for Atmore's economic growth, Escambia County Schools and the 711 Signal Battalion of the Alabama National Guard.
McCullough Christian Center will have a Special Miracle and Healing Service the first Sunday night of each month at 6 p.m. MCC is located about nine miles north of Atmore at the north end of County Road 1, or Jack Springs Road, and about six miles north of the Atmore/McCullough exit #54 from I-65. For more information, call 577-6561.