Mar. 17
Published 4:56 pm Thursday, March 18, 2004
By Staff
The Atmore Public Library will be closed Wednesday for Inventory.
Mar. 18
Bosom Buddies a Breast Cancer Support Group, will have its monthly luncheon meeting at 12 noon on Thursday in the Education Center of D.W. McMillan Hospital. Anyone having questions or wanting further information may call the hospital at 809-8309.
Mar. 20
Flomaton Speedway Season Opener Gates open each week at 4 p.m., track dry-in is at 6:15 p.m. and racing at 8 p.m. All four classes will race weekly. For more information go to or call the track office at (251)296-DIRT.
Mar. 26
Miller Cemetery Association will meet Friday at 4 p.m. at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church fellowship hall (3564 Butler St., near the prison.) Call 368-8613 for more information. All interested person are urged to attend.
Mar. 27
American Cancer Society, Relay for Life of Damascus Baptist Church will be selling fish and chicken sandwiches in Piggly Wiggly parking lot.
First Annual Fish Fry from 11a.m. to 1p.m. at Tiny Town Day Care. All plates are 5 dollars. Local Delivery for Businesses only. Call in orders by March 23 at 368-9419. Sponsored by Regions Bank and Tiny Town Day Care. Proceeds go to American Cancer Society.
Apr. 3
Motorcycle Ride in Flomaton. The ride will leave Flomaton Speedway at 11:00 a.m. and sign-up will be at 10:30 a.m. A ten dollar donation per rider will be asked. This is in support of the United Bank's Relay for Life. Everyone welcome.
First Annual Spring Pageant at Rachel Patterson School at 7 p.m. Age groups are newborn to 14 years boys and girls. A 25 dollar registration fee and sign up dates Mar. 20 and Mar. 27 at Regions Bank from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sponsored by Regions Bank and Tiny Town Day care. All proceed go to American Cancer Society.
Apr. 10
13th annual Byrneville Chicken Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Byrneville Community Center. Crafters, Artists and certain food vendors are welcome. If you, your church or organization would like to rent a booth space call Betty Porz at 850-256-3795 or Rae Bolen at 850-256-4293. If you would like to be part of the entertainment call Genia Bashore at 850-256-5355.
Apr. 17
Family Fun Day. A day to enjoy your family and friends. In loving memory of Thomas Boatwright and others. On Saturday at 8 a.m.-until. It will take place at Boatwright's "Pasture by the Pond" Nokomis Hwy 31. Please bring you keepsakes and pictures to place on the memorial table to honor our passed loved ones lost to cancer. Donations only. Children's fishing tournament 8-10 a.m. ten years old and under, covered wagon rides, face painting, moon walks, old west show, working saw mill exhibit, live music, dinner plates, memorial motorcycle run, karate demonstrations, car show, quilt show, horseshoes, auction at 1 p.m. and T-shirts for sale $12. Gospel singing, April 24, 2004 at 3 p.m. For more information call Diane Boatwright to order 368-1530
Apr. 18
Bay Area Strings will be performing at The Uriah United Methodist Church. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. and everyone is welcome.