Relay raises $50,000
Published 7:39 pm Thursday, June 17, 2004
By By Lindsey Sherrill
The annual Relay for Life all-night event was held Friday evening until Saturday morning at Tom Byrne Park. Prior to kickoff Friday, 12 teams had raised over $50,000 through a series of fundraisers for the American Cancer Society.
Events included a Valentine's dance, readathon, trail ride, the sales of cooked Boston butts and yellow ribbon magnets. Pepsi will hold a drawing for a Corvette next week as part of their fundraiser. David's Catfish in Atmore hosted the kickoff dinner in January as well as a pancake supper this spring.
"We're considering moving the event to April next year so the high schools can participate," Edie Jackson, Relay chairman, said. Jackson hopes to include more youth in future Relay events.
Thirty cancer survivors attended the survivors reception sponsored and catered by Atmore Nursing Care Center. At 9 p.m. the luminary walk took place. Over 120 luminaries, each dedicated in memory or honor of a cancer victim, were placed around the walking track as participants walked the track in silence.
Teams taking home awards were: best campsite, Gospel Light Church for "Camp Cancer Free;" best camp food: Poarch Creek Indians; best cancer facts: ACH; best baton: ANCC Crown Cruisers. Poarch also won best overall campsite and most money raised by a team. Pat Eddins raised the most money as an individual. The Spirit of Relay awards were announced Saturday morning. Winners were not available at press time.
This is the eighth year Atmore has taken part in Relay. Turnout was somewhat less than in the past, but Jackson was undaunted. "The crowds may have slowed down, but cancer hasn't slowed down," she said. "We're going to keep going. We may not have as many people, but we have just as much commitment."
Teams included Atmore Community Hospital, Atmore Nursing Care Center, the Boatwright Family, Escambia Academy, First National Bank, Frontier Communications, Gospel Light Church, Pepsi/South Alabama Vending, Poarch Creek Indians, Swift Supply and Tiny Town/Regions Bank. Samantha Bennett and Leigh Shaghenessy took part in the event as individuals.
Relay 2004 was sponsored by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, First National Bank, Pepsi/SAV, PCI, Atmore Family Medicine, David's Catfish, Hendrix Tractor Company, Inc., Huxford Pole &Timber, Inc., Atmore Nursing Care Center, Swift Supply, Masland Carpets, Financial Solutions and the Atmore Community Cup.