Eddie Murphy has nothing on this daddy
Published 8:06 pm Monday, June 28, 2004
By Staff
Chuck Bodiford
Eddie Murphy throughout his career has played his share of characters that have left a lasting impression on us. There was the Beverly Hills cop, the Nutty Professor and his family the Clumps and last but definitely not least Donkey from the Shrek movies. On Saturday my daughter, Lakyn and I, took my wife to the airport in Pensacola. Steph is attending a pharmaceutical seminar in Las Vegas. Since it has been only me and the little lady holding down the fort, I have been thinking about one of Murphy's recent movies, "Daddy Daycare." In this movie, Murphy loses his job and decides that he and a friend should open a daycare, to help support his family.
To make sure there are no misunderstandings, I haven't lost my job, but I have been having a lot of one on one time with my daughter. And this time together will be something that I will never forget. Saturday night after we got back home, I was beginning to wonder what I was thinking. Was I really up to this? I've only been a dad for a little over seven months now, and I still have a lot to learn. I kept hearing Steph's grandfather's words echoing in my mind, "Make sure you leave him some instructions." But the night cam and went and soon it was the next morning.
Just like in the movie, Daddy Daycare was in full swing. The week has gone by pretty well, filled with laughter and smiles, and not a whole lot of mess. I've been pretty good about washing dishes. I even washed a load of clothes. Sunday was my very first Father's Day and one that I will always cherish. Later that day we went to my mom and dad's home for lunch and later came back our house, where we watched cartoons together all day and night.
Don't let me fool you; even though Lakyn in my opinion is the perfect child (maybe I am prejudiced), it is a lot of work taking care of a child. There are the feedings and changings, baths and naps and unfortunately sometimes, even a few tears. By the time you read this, Lakyn and I will have been together by ourselves going on four days now.
So what have I learned this week? Plenty. I really don't know where to begin except by saying that being a parent is one of the best things to ever happen to me. No matter what kind of day you might have, it's hard to express the feelings you get when your child sees you and starts to smile. For me, being with my family is what puts my life in focus. I know that everyone doesn't have the opportunity to spend a whole day whenever they want, much less a week, with their child. But try to carve out a little time to spend with them, it means so much to them, and probably more to you.
Chuck Bodiford is an Atmore native and publisher of the Advance. He may be reached by calling 368-2123 or by email at chuck.bodiford@atmoreadvance.com