Singing the praises of our local performers
Published 9:07 pm Thursday, August 5, 2004
By Staff
Arthur McLean
Well, I got a little cultured Thursday night. Any more culture and I'll be a pearl. I'm about to "sing" the praises of our local troupe of performers.
Seriously though, for those who missed it, they missed an excellent performance of the musical Oklahoma! by local performers at Escambia County High School this weekend.
I don't think I'd ever seen a stage musical before. I've seen some other things that were supposed to give me a little culture, but I'm not going to publicly admit what I saw. The boys down at the lodge might revoke my membership.
Back to the musical. I'm no drama or music critic, but I was extremely impressed with the quality of the overall performance, and delighted by the individual vocal performances on display. Good grief, I'm starting to sound like a critic.
There was an awful lot of talent on that stage. And all of that talent claims Escambia County as home. That's truly impressive.
Equally impressive is that these people were willing to give up so much of their time to put on the performance. They spent weeks upon weeks learning songs, practicing dance steps and rehearsing rehearsing rehearsing.
I know, the Atmore Advance's own Lindsey Sherrill, was the assistant director and played a supporting role on stage. These were busy people, employed, many with families, who gave of their time to bring such a project to fruition.
And the cost to attend is a real steal. Just six bucks to get in the door, and no parking fees. Just try doing that in Mobile or Pensacola. Parking alone will probably set you back more than admission to this musical.
If you did miss it, don't worry, there will be other productions coming down the road.
I would like to salute the cast members, supporters and GECA, the Greater Escambia Council for the Arts for having the drive to put on shows like these.
Not only are productions like Oklahoma! a worthwhile artistic endeavor for the community to share, but it provides those talented members of our community their chance to shine.
Thanks for an entertaining evening.
Arthur McLean is the editor of the Atmore Advance.