Northview School Advisory Council is seeking nominations of new members for the 2004-2005 school year. All interested parties should contact Northview High School at 327-6681, ext. 221

Published 10:19 pm Tuesday, September 14, 2004

By Staff
September 1 – October 31
The Spay/Neuter Intervention Project of Escambia County has been extended until October 31. If you have an n Alabama Medicaid or Food Stamp card, you are eligible for a Snip Certificate from any Escambia County Veterinarian. You may have two pets per card. Copay amounts are $40 for dogs and $25 for cats. If vaccines are needed, there will be a $20 copay. The project is funded by the Alabama Animal Control Association and by PetSmart charities, PETCO Foundation and private donors. Call 251-368-9349 for info.
The Escambia County Commission will conduct a regular session on Monday, Sept. 13, at 9:00a.m. in the County Commission Chambers, Room 201, at the Escambia County Court House, Brewton, Alabama.
September 11 &12
The Pensacola Model Railroad Club will be holding it's 2nd Annual Train Show on Saturday &Sunday, September 11th &12th at the Hadji Shrine Temple. The address is 800 West Nine Mile Road just north of Pensacola and off of Hwy. #29. This is a two-day event and will begin at 10 AM and go to 6 PM both days. Admission – Adult $5 a day, Children under 12 FREE!
September 12
Descendants of Joseph Crocket Rutherford will hold a family reunion Sunday, September 12,at the Davisville Community Center (the old Davisville School on Hwy 97). Please contact anyone related or good friends with the family. Bring a covered dish and stay for lunch.
September 15
The Alabama Education Retirees Association will hold its annual District 8 meeting at Faulkner State Community College, Centennial Hall Fairhope, Al. The meeting will begin at 9:00a.m. with registration program will begin at 9:30a.m. ending no later than 12:30p.m.Valuable up-to-date insurance information will be provided at meeting.
September 20
September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Meet us at First Assembly of God Church on South Main Street in Atmore September 20th at 7:00p.m. Dr. Jon Yoder will be the special speaker. Ladies, encourage your husbands, sons, and all your friends to attend this informative meeting. Everyone is invited.
September 25
Bell – Bailey Family Reunion will be held Saturday September 25 at 10:30a.m. – til at the Flomaton Community Center. For more information contact A.J. "Junior" Bell at 296-0197 or Russell Bell at 368-2600.
September 25-26
Hunter Education Class at Jefferson Davis Community College, Hwy. 21 N. Atmore, Al. Sept. 25 8:00a.m.-12:00 noon &1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Sept. 26 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Students must be at least 10years of age to receive credit. For more info contact 251-626-5474.
September 25-26
The Mississippi Pecan Festival is currently taking applications for Arts and Craft, Antiques and Collectible booths for this year's festival. The 18th annual festival is in Richton, Miss. If you are interested in a booth please call (601) 525-3792 or (601) 964-8201. You may also write for an application at or MS Pecan Festival, P.O. Box 630, Richton, MS 39476.
September 25
Claiborne Open Buddy Bass Tournament will be held Saturday, September 25 at Isaac Creek Landing. Registration forms maybe obtained from Paul's Tackle Box in Monroeville outside the area call 251-575-4354 or Donnie Gibson 251-275-4974. There is an $80 per boat entry fee, which includes the $10 lunker pot donation with a 5 fish limit per boat. Order of blast off is the order of registration.
September 26
Peavy Family Reunion to be held September 26 at the United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall in Mineola, AL. Will meet at 10:30a.m. and dinner will be served at noon. Please let everyone in your family know. Hope to see you there. Call Emma B. Weaver 251-571-6598 or Wanda Peavy 251-862-5447.
The Escambia County High School class of 1994 is planning its ten year reunion. Please send contact information to Katie Smith Morrison, 4097 Wimberly Road, Auburn, Ala. 36830 or email to Please note if you would like to help with the planning.
October 2
The Lassitter and Wall Family Reunion will be held at the Creek Indian Nation Administration Building located off Jack's Spring Road on Saturday Oct 2, 2004. from 11am until. If you have any questions please call Milford Lassitter at 368-6000.
October 16
Sharpless Family Reunion all descendants of Seaborn Jones Sharpless and John James Sharpless are invited to attend. Meeting at the Bryneville Community Center in Bryneville, FL at 11:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon. the meats and utensils will be furnished. We ask that you bring some of your favorite dishes and tea or a drink. Mr. and Mrs. Calton P. Sharpless will host for more info call 251-368-8054 or e-mail
November 20
The 21st annual Petteman Station Arts and Crafts festival will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be arts, crafts and food. Booths are available for $45 without electricity and $50 with electricity. Contact Alice Chandler, P.O. Box 164, Petterman, AL 36471 or phone 251-564-2260.
Guy's Chapel United Methodist Church Christmas Bazaar will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Rabun. For booth rental or more info call Jennifer at 937-7118.

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