Letter to the Editor
Published 4:23 am Monday, February 21, 2005
By Staff
Freedoms are being taken away each day
Here in Atmore, Alabama we are, about 8 weeks past Christmas and 7 weeks till Easter. two of the most prominent Holidays in the World. They are, a part of us, mom so to us who know Christ as Savior.
I love to read the old, old story along with the rest of the Bible. I also read a lot of other books. I read one about 4 years ago, Hitler's Cross, written by Erwin W. Lutzer. In this book Lutzer analyzes the Nazi agenda for Germany and how the German Church responded. Here is a paragraph from that book
Since Germany had for centuries celebrated Christmas and Easter, Hitter had to reinterpret their meaning Christmas was turned into a totally pagan festival: in fact, at least for the SS troops, its date was changed to December 2 1. the date of the winter solstice. Carols and Nativity plays were banned,from the schools in 1938, and even the name Christmas was changed to Yuletide, Crucifixes were eliminated from the classrooms, and Easier was turned into a holiday that heralded the arrival of spring. You will recognize the same changes taking place in America today.
I have traveled to 40 states and been in 10 other countries and observed their governments, local, state, and otherwise. I have seen school districts and cities that limit the religious expressions of students and the citizens. Now as an American man, husband dad, granddad, and pastor here in Atmore, Alabama, I need to be ever watchful. Slowly these things arc, creeping into our lives and most people don't know it.
Now to the greatest place I have ever been, Atmore, Alabama, let us not forget the past as we look to the future. We need to pray that we will remain free. Let us keep our eyes open to what is happening around us and what is taking place in America and Atmore today.
Pastor Larry Davis
Calvary Baptist Church