Thanks for the community support
Published 9:55 am Monday, June 6, 2005
By Staff
Our View
While many of us have been here in Atmore for only a few months, we have all made a concerted effort to integrate into this fine community.
This past Wednesday, the Advance staff held a car wash in our parking lot to benefit the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. We were able to wash 14 cars and sell a load of hot dogs, chips, and Pepsi products.
We would like to thank Pepsi for allowing us the use of their wagon and we would like to thank the citizens of Atmore for their donations.
We believe the Relay for Life is a wonderful cause, and were all happy to volunteer our time for such a cause.
We will also hold a bake sale in the office this Wednesday to benefit that worthy cause, so feel free to come by and buy some baked goods for charity.
We are glad to be a part of this community, and we would like to make you glad we're a part of it as