Relay for Life a huge success

Published 10:41 am Monday, June 20, 2005

By By Lee Weyhrich
Relay for Life organizers went well over their $60,000 goal and it is still not too late to donate.
"I thought it was wonderful," director Ginger Caylor said. "As of Friday night we raised $65,680.79. The team that raised the most money was Atmore Community Hospital with $11,479.81. The second place was Pepsi with $10,020.18 and Poarch Creek came in third with $9,704.50."
Many of the seven teams that had campsites took home awards as well.
In the team awards Best Campsite was Brooks Memorial Church, Best Campsite Food was Poarch Creek, in Best Cancer Facts there was a tie between Atmore Community Hospital and Brooks Memorial Church, Best Baton went to the Atmore Advance, Best Birthday Cake was another tie between Gospel Light Church and Brooks Memorial church, the Rookie of the Year Award went to Masland Carpets, the Relay Achievement Award went to Gospel Light Church and the Backbone of Relay Award went to Poarch Creek.
"The individual that raised the most money was to Mrs. Pat Eddins," Caylor said. "Committee Person of the Year was Edie Jackson."
There were concerns prior to and during Relay about Tropical Storm Arlene raining the festivities out.
"Everybody had a wonderful time," Caylor said. "The luminaria service was awesome and strangely enough when Relay started the rain held off and because of the impending weather we left around 1 a.m. We already have volunteers ready and excited for next year and already working for next year. I just want to thank everybody for helping and having the relay spirit."
Cereal Daniel, this year's Relay chairman was glad the weather held off although there was a plan B in case of a worst case scenario.
"I thought it was great," he said. "I thought everything worked out fine. One thing everyone was afraid of was that Arlene would shut everything down. We had an alternative site for the Relay, but we realized that would cut down on participation. Our plan was to make it to 10 p.m. to do the luminaria service and anything after that would just be great. The indoor venue, Kyle Ferguson had agreed to let us use the old gym. That location was only going to be used as an absolute necessity being indoors and not having a lot of area compared to outside. That was a factor we kept in mind when we had plans to have it in Heritage Park. The reception was going to be at the Watson Cabin rain or shine, but we needed an alternative for Relay."
Despite all problems Relay for Life went off without a hitch.
"The community came together," area director Annice Barnhill said. "I was so proud because it was a community effort."
Annice will be next year's Atmore coordinator. To volunteer or be a part of Relay, contact Annice Barnhill at 251-580-3465.

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